Our Board meetings are usually the third Monday of the Month (except for holidays) at
6:00 pm at the district office. Meeting dates are also posted in The Brown County Press.
Due to the holiday, our regular meeting will be Monday, Feb 10, at 6:00
at WB Administration Office.
The WBLSD Board of Education welcomes public participation. If you wish to address the Board of Education, please contact the Superintendent, Mr. Raegan White, to discuss your topic
(937-444-2044) and be put on the agenda.
Once you have been placed on the agenda, you will need to sign in on the Public Participation Form when you arrive at the meeting. In order for the Board to fulfill its obligation to complete a full agenda effectively, a maximum of 30 minutes total may be allotted for public participation.
Each individual /spokesperson for a group may be allotted a maximum of 3 minutes total.