Tina Kidd
Building Test Coordinators:
MOE: Stephanie Williford
HEMS: Bethany Bauer
MOMS: Paula Hitt
WBHS: Kristin Lang and Caitlin Wallace
Schools required to notify parents their right to request the district's assessment policy regarding student participation in state mandated assessments. Below is WB assessment policy #2623 for easy access. There are many state mandated assessments starting with the KRA assessment in Kindergarten all through school and to graduation requirements of End of Course Exams. If you have any questions concerning assessments, please contact Mrs. Kidd 937-379-1144, et 24006 or Mrs. Bohl at 937-444-2044, ext 25031.
Assessments Required by the State of Ohio
Kindergarten Readiness Assessment Revised (KRA-R) : This assessment is given to all kindergarten students in public/community schools in Ohio. It must be given within the first twenty days of school. The KRA-R assesses a child’s readiness to engage with kindergarten learning standards. It assesses the following four areas: Social Foundations, Mathematics, Language and Literacy, and Motor Development. For more information about KRA-R: https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Early-Learning/Kindergarten/Ohios-Kindergarten-Readiness-Assessment
AIMSweb: This assessment is given to all students in kindergarten, first, and second grade. Kindergarteners and first graders are assessed in the areas of Early Literacy and Early Numeracy. Second graders are assessed in Reading and Math. These assessments are used to guide instruction and interventions. The Early Literacy and Reading assessments are also used to determine if students are on/off track for Literacy according to the State of Ohio. If they are off track; teachers write a Reading Improvement Plan (RIMP), provide necessary interventions, and monitor student’s progress towards meeting goals to become on track. AIMSweb is used to benchmark students three times a year (August/September, January, and April/May). For more information on AIMSweb: https://www.pearsonassessments.com/
NWEA MAP: This assessment is given to all students in grades two through twelve in the areas of Reading, Math, and Science. It is used to benchmark the students three times a year (August, December, and March). These benchmarks are used to guide instruction and interventions. The Reading assessment is also used to determine if third graders are on/off track for Reading according to the State of Ohio. If they are off track; teachers write a Reading Improvement Plan (RIMP), provide necessary interventions, and monitor student’s progress towards meeting goals to become on track. For more information on NWEA MAP: https://www.nwea.org/
State Testing: Students in grades three through eight are required to take the Ohio State Assessments in the areas of Reading and Math each year. Students in fifth and eighth grades are also required to take the Science assessment. Third grade students are assessed in Reading in the fall and spring. All other grade levels and subjects are assessed in the spring. High school students take End-of-Course Exams in certain subject areas (Algebra 1, Geometry, ELA 2, American History, American Government, and Biology). For more information on State Testing: https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Testing
Dyslexia Screening: Schools in Ohio are required to give a universal screener to identify students who may be at risk of reading difficulties such as dyslexia. Schools are required to screen all kindergarten students. Western Brown uses the Winter AIMSweb benchmark in January to identify students who are at risk. Students who are at risk are assessed using the assessment Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN). Additional interventions are provided to any students who are determined to be at risk. For more information on the Dyslexia Screening Mandate: https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Learning-in-Ohio/Literacy/Dyslexia/Dyslexia-Screening