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Continuity of Services Information

Continuity of Service Plan

Continuity of Services Plan
Our day to day life experiences have been drastically effected by the pandemic and providing a continuity of quality services has become a priority for us.  Western Brown has developed and implemented multiple plans to address the many challenges caused by the pandemic so to help maintain a safe and quality learning environment, we wanted to make sure you are aware of these plans and any important updates that we can provide about the upcoming school year.
We first want to thank each and everyone of you for making the 2020- 2021 school year a successful experience. Most of our students returned to school in August of 2020 due to the district’s safety precautions and procedures, and by working  together, we stayed in school all year with very few interruptions. 
We hope that this upcoming 21 – 22 school year will be back to somewhat normal routines.  This is all dependent on state guidance and the status of the pandemic.  We will continue to follow parts of our Restart Plan to ensure our facilities are clean, sanitized, and as safe as possible. We will also follow the Remote Learning Plan for short or long term closures and will continue implementing the Extended Learning Plan to address the learning gaps caused by the pandemic.
These plans will be reviewed and revised when needed to ensure our learning community has the most current information available.
If you want to learn more about the plans, please click on the links below each plan description.

The (ARP) American Recovery Plan Grant and (ESSER) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funding has provided our district with much needed monetary support throughout  the pandemic.  The district is required to post a plan explaining the use of these funds and how we developed the plan to address the needs of our students, parents, and employees.  Please click on the following link to read the Western Brown ARP Grant Plan.  This plan will be updated periodically over the next three years.

ARP IDEA Grants for Early Childhood and K-12 IDEA
The WB Special Education Leadership Team conducted a needs analysis with staff and families in PK units in the district.  Three focus areas were identified for the ARP IDEA Early Childhood Funding:   1) Picture Exchange Communicaton System (PECS) training for 9 teachers and aides with training materials/ implementation supplies and substitutes for release time,  2) Sensory supplies for PK classrooms, and  3) Alternative seating options (ex. high chairs) for PK students with disabilities.

The WB Special Education Leadership Team also met with building ISs and students to collect information on the current needs of students.  Six focus areas were identified for this funding:  1)  Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) training for 23 employees and materials /supplies for six units, and release time (substitutes) for training, 2) Alternative classroom work space options for SWD (ex. stand up desks, ball seats, wobbly chairs, etc,)  3) Two Sensory rooms (Middle School and High School,) 4) ADA Playground (ex. wheelchair swing,) 5) Data Tracker for monitoring services for each SWD, and 6) Adaptive technology for instruction.
The WB Extended Learning Plan was developed in April of 2021 to address the learning needs of our students.  The quarantining of students and teachers, and days missed due to sickness has caused a significant gap in learning for some of our kids.  Students who chose online learning may also need additional interventions due to the online programming or lack of completion of lessons.  The district will be providing additional learning opportunities and support for these at- risk students.  
The WB Remote Learning Plan indicates how the district will utilize Chromebooks and Google Classroom to continue educational experiences when students cannot be at school due to the pandemic, weather, or long term illnesses.  

The WB Fall 2020 Reopening Plan was developed in the summer of 2020 to support the reopening of school in the fall.  The district implemented many safety precautions and protocols to ensure a safe reopening.  Many of these procedures will become part of our normal school day so we can combat the flu season and / or other communicable diseases which may cause negative effects on the health of our students and employees.
Additional Health Services
We are very fortunate to have a School Based Health Center (Health Source of Ohio) that can provide families with physical care services and testing / vaccinations for Covid-19.  Project HOPE (Talbert House) can provide services for mental and emotional health issues or concerns.  For more information about these health services, please click on the links below or contact your child’s teacher(s) or principal(s).  School Based Health       Project HOPE
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