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Weather Related Remote Learning

Remote Learning Days

Remote Learning Days
What is a Remote Learning Day?
A remote learning day is when the school decides to have our students work from home instead of coming into school.  This could be due to inclement weather, sickness, or an issue with one of our buildings such as no water or electric.  It is very important that you and your student understand what is expected during these days, so please read the General Expectations below and watch for emails from your student's teachers or administrators. 
General Expectations for All Students
All buildings are using a two-hour delay schedule for remote learning.  Please see the schedule for the building / grade level on the building tab.
Students will be reporting to “class” online and teachers will be taking attendance.  
Teachers could provide a variety of experiences such as:  live lessons, video instruction through Google Meets, recorded lessons for independent viewing.  Most assignments will be done through Google Classroom.
All assignments given will be due at the time of the next “live” class.
School dress code is required on Google Meets.
Sometimes, students will be asked to work on their own.  When this occurs and the student may need to ask a question or have a concern, their teacher can be reached through email.

How will my students access Remote Learning?
WB is proud to announce that we have a Chromebook for each of our students in K - 12.  Our K-4 students have class sets that are used during the day and these will be sent home when there is chance we might have a snow day / remote learning day.  Our 5-12 grade students have their own Chromebook which they have been bringing home all year for homework and completing lessons.  Teachers have been utilizing Google Classroom to organize remote lessons and coursework for a few years.  This shouldn't be something new for your student because they use it at school in their classes on a regular basis. There may be some other programs that your student will need to access, but those links will be embedded in their Google Classroom.  If you have any issues with the online learning, please email your child's teacher and they can assist you.
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