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Voice Recognition

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#WB Pride


One Call Now

high school
middle school
mt. orab elementary
hamersville elementary

One Call Now

One Call Now

Click link below to add phone numbers

As you know, Western Brown Local School District uses the One Call Now telephone system to inform our district members of a variety of events. If you are not receiving One Calls because you have switched over to a cell phone or your phone number has changed for any reason, please contact your child’s school to update the phone number.
An issue that has been brought to our attention is cell phones and the message not being left properly. One Call Now has a call in feature that allows you to listen to the latest One Call Now message. To listen to the latest message, dial the toll free number: 877-698-3261 and press option 1.
If you want to be removed from the calling list, please contact us. 

Western Brown Safety Plan Notification

Western Brown School District has reviewed and revised our School Emergency Operations Plan and as a result, we are making parents aware of the Parental Notification Procedures to be implemented in the event of an incident. This protocol can be found below and on our web site. Please make every attempt to keep your contact information current and notify the building secretary of any changes in your contact information. 

Staff and Parental Notification Procedures:

In the event of an incident, communication will be provided through the one-call system to inform parents / staff and to provide additional information.  

Parents and staff, Pesticide Application notifications will be posted on the school's website under the Maintenance tab on the left hand side.
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