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Curriculum / Federal Programs

high school
middle school
mt. orab elementary
hamersville elementary

Picture of Jina

Mrs. Jina Bohl, 

Assistant Superintendent of Western Brown
Curriculum and Instruction, Human Resources,
and Federal Programs Coordinator

937-444-2044 ext 25031
[email protected]


Western Brown Federal Programs

Western Brown receives funds for Title 1 services at Mt. Orab Elementary and Hamersville Elementary and Middle School.  These funds are used to fund our All Day Every Day Kindergarten program, provide intervention services for children needing extra help in reading, and provide other services for parents and non-public schools. 
There are many regulations that must be followed in order to receive this funding and one of those important criteria is Parent Involvement activities such as:
1. Title 1 Information Meetings:  This year we will provide parents to learn more about Title 1 in each of our elementary buildings.  Mt. Orab Elementary will host a table on November 7, 2024 during parent -teacher conferences from 5:00 - 6:30 pm where parents can get more information and ask questions.  Click here to see their flyer   SY25 MOES Parent Info flyer.pdf 
Hamersville Elementary will host a table during parent teacher conferences on November 7, 2024 from 5:00 - 6:30 pm. Click here to see their SY25 HEMS Parent Info flyer.pdf

2. Parent Involvement Policies which are reviewed each year by parents and educators. 

3. Ready School Activities- Helping Pre-school children and K-8 students transition to the next grade level.  
Homeless families and students is a great concern for the Western Brown Community.  WB tries to make sure that we aid families as best as we can.  For more information, please see our main page on the right hand column.  Homeless is a community issue and together we can support our families and students during their time of need. Contact me for additional help.
If you'd like to help with reviewing these policies or have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]

Academic Fieldtrips

Field trips need to be approved by the BOE before the date of the trip.  If you will need more than one bus, you'll need to submit paperwork for each bus request.  WB Field Trip Guidelines and Process.pdf

 MAP(s) MUST ALSO BE ATTACHED TO Transportation Request FORM(s)!   Fieldtrip Bus Request Form

2024 - 2025 Fieldtrips
October 29 & 30 / Nov 6 & 7- MOMS 5th grade- Greenacres
November 12, 2024- MOMS- 7th grade-  Heritage Bank Center
Feb 4, 5, 11, & 12-  MOES- 4th grade- Greenacres
Feb 15- MOMS- Science Fair Winners- Cincinnati Aquarium
March 18, 19, 20- MOMS- 6th grade   Cincinnati Nature Center
April 24 & 25- HEMS 7th Grade Green Acres
May 8 & 9- MOES Kindergarten- Family Traditions Animal Adventures

Rosetta Stone Classroom Link

WB Harassment, Bullying, & Discrimination Information

 Bullying, Harassment, and Discrimination / Diversity Documents

WB District Compliance Officers: 
Mrs. Jina Bohl, Assistant Superintendent  [email protected]
Mr. Jeff Herrmann, WB High School Assistant Principal,  Jeff
If you have any questions about Western Brown's Harassment, Bullying, or Discrimination policies and procedures, please contact your child's building principal or the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent. 

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