- Please note, for the 2025/26 School Year students must turn 5 by August 1st
to be eligible for Kindergarten.
ONLY A CUSTODIAL PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN can officially enroll a student; therefore,
they MUST be the person(s) present at the time of enrollment.
STEP 1: Complete the ONLINE Student Enrollment Application
- Enrollment Application can be completed at any time. If you need access to a chromebook,
please contact the elementary building to set up an appointment. - To complete the enrollment application, you will need an e-mail address and
you will be asked to create a username and password in Final Forms.
Please remember the user name and password, you will need to refer back to
this account information.
STEP 2: Document Verification
- You will need to personally appear to finish registration and provide required
documentation. - YOU MUST BRING ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS WITH YOU at the time of enrollment.
Copies of the documents will be made and the originals returned to you immediately. - Required Documents:
-Parent/Guardian State Issued Photo ID
-Student Birth Certificate
-Student Immunization/Shot Record
-Student Social Security Card
-Custody Documents (if applicable) - Your child is not registered and cannot attend unless registration is completed and
finalized in person. - Make an appointment with the building your child will be attending:
Hamersville Elementary - Call Michelle Clark at 937/379-1144, ext. 24401
Mt. Orab Elementary - Call Stacy Moore at 937/444-2528, ext. 23001
STEP 3: Proof of Residency - Three (3) items from the list below
- You will need ONE of the following:
-Signed Lease/Rental Agreement
-Mortgage Statement
-Property Tax Bill
-Deed - You will need TWO of the following:
-Payroll check stub (dated within past 30 days)
-Utility Bill (dated within past 60 days)
-Brown County Job and Family Service letter (dated within past 60 days)
-Recent Income tax return (dated within past year) - All suspicions of non-residency will be thoroughly investigated and
additional documentation of residency will be required.
Affidavit II is used when the Parent/Legal Guardian and child is living in a
domicile belonging to another person. (example: a couple divorce and the
mother and child move in with the mother's parents who are residents of
Western Brown Local Schools). The owner/lessor would complete Affidavit II
and provide a copies of required documents. Print document from link below
or request one from the office.
If you live outside of the Western Brown School District,
please complete the Open Enrollment Form for the
2024/25 school year below. (Deadline 5/26/2024)
Pre-School Registration
Refer to the PreSchool tab under Academics at the top of the main web page.